The Secret
“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without” - The Emerald Tablet , - Circa 3,000 BC
So what really is the meaning behind these words which introduce the book, The Secret. What exactly are these words saying? Here’s an attempt to explain it in simple detail. The words suggest a correspondence between different levels of reality. Here’s a breakdown of its meaning:
What reality will you create within? What conscious mindset (above) , will you create through your actions (below)? Mind and Body.
What will you intentionally notice (universe/existence) to create the experience of life you desire (soul)? - Be intentional today to create the life you desire.
As Above, So Below: This part implies that the macrocosm (the larger universe) reflects the microcosm (the individual or smaller systems). It suggests that the laws and patterns governing the universe also apply to human beings and their experiences. For example, the way celestial bodies influence life on Earth can be mirrored in individual lives and actions.
As Within, So Without: This phrase emphasizes the connection between internal states (thoughts, emotions, beliefs) and external reality (the world around us). It suggests that our inner experiences shape our outer reality. If a person cultivates positivity and inner peace, it is likely to manifest in their external circumstances. That positivity can be anything that a person desires or manifests.
So let’s move on from this to the book itself and find out more about The Secret.
Rhonda Byrne wrote the secret and she says that The Law of Attraction can raise us up to incredible heights when used correctly or can drop us down to incredible lows when used in error. However the law of attraction is totally consistent in it’s response to us. By studying The Secret, carefully and repeatedly we can all make manifesting our desires easier than ever before, eliminating struggle and suffering and make life easier reaching a higher level of peace and prosperity, joy and happiness. Only Our Own Self stands between us and a life filled with joy and everything we want. “There isn’t a single thing you cannot do with this knowledge. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, The Secret, can give you whatever you want”.
As you move through the book, The Secret, you will come to realise how you can have, be, or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are and come to know the true magnificence that awaits you.
The Secret Revealed
The Secret gives you anything you want, happiness, health and wealth. You can have do or be anything you want. All of this can happen when you learn how to apply The Secret.
The natural laws of the Universe are so precise they come from an infinite power and we all work with them. We are all guided by the same law’s. An example of this is gravity, what goes up must come down. These law’s apply wherever you are, we are all working with one power, The Law of Attraction. The Secret Is the Law of Attraction.
Everything that’s coming into your life, your attracting into your life. This is done by the images and thoughts you hold in your mind. It’s what your thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind, your attracting to you. Every thought is a real thing - a force. You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action and you do it through your thoughts.
So we think positively. For example abundance and wealth, if we think positive thoughts about abundance and wealth, and do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in our mind, we will attract more of what we are thinking. Therefore it is our PREDOMINANT thoughts that bring to us what we think. This is the Law of Attraction in action. The law responds to your thoughts no matter what they may be. So think of yourself as a Magnet. Your thoughts are magnetic in the Universe and attract like to like back to you. This magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts. “If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand. Thoughts become things.
Every thought has a frequency. So if you’re thinking of something over and over, repeatedly, and your imagining in your mind having that thought in reality, for example a new car, a new home or a new life in a new place, if you’re imagining what that looks like, and your imagining feeling the reality of that thought, you’re emitting that frequency on a constant basis. You’re starting to manifest that thought into reality.
Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal or frequency that is drawing that reality back to you. Everything you sent out returns to the source, and that source is YOU.
The predominant thought is the magnet, the law is that like attracts like, thus the mental attitude will attract back to you the very thought you transmit to the Universe.
Another way of thinking about it is thinking of a television transmitter. The transmitter tower or satellite dish sends out a frequency, which is transmitted back to our house to our TV in the form of the pictures we watch. We may be watching Channel 1, but want to see a programme on Channel 5. So we change the frequency by switching to the frequency needed for Channel 5. So we change the frequency by selecting the channel. We may not understand the working of the transmitter and frequency but we know it works. If we want to see something different, we have to change the frequency to the channel we want to see. We tune into a new frequency. This is exactly the same with our thoughts. If we want to see success and what we want in our life’s we need to change to a frequency that is directed to success, happiness and so on. In other words we attract what we put out there.
You are a human transmission tower and you are more powerful than any televisions tower that exists. You are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe. Your transmission creates your World and there is no limit to where your thoughts can reach. They transmit to the entire Universe.
If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel, change the frequency, change your thoughts. You will attract back to you the thoughts you put out, and the reality of those thoughts in true life will be returned to you. See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.
Choose the good not the bad !
And here’s the thing. The Universe does not make any distinction or interfere in our thoughts. If we have negative thoughts it will return to us negativity. For example, imagine a person with a mountain of debt. If that person is constantly thinking about those debts and feeling bad about them, that’s the thoughts you are putting out there to the Universe. The law of attraction responds with like for like, in other words, you will receive more debt. I really feel bad because of all this debt I have. You have therefore confirmed it to the Universe and the Universe responds like for like, with more debt and more bad feelings for you. Remember “Thoughts become Things”.
The law of attraction is a law of nature, and it does not see good or bad things, it is impersonal. The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about. When you focus on something, you are simply calling that into existence. The law of attraction does not compute “Don’t” or “Not” or “No” or any other words of negation (negativity) .
For example, these negative thoughts illustrate what it means.
“I DON’T want to be late”. - I want to be late.
“I DON’T want that person to be rude to me” – I want that person to be rude to me.
“I DON’T want to lose this money” - I want to lose this money.
The law of attraction, is just giving back to you what you are thinking about every time. When we become aware of this law and how it works, we come to understand how incredibly powerful we are as human beings to be able to think your life into existence.
Our thoughts are always ongoing and ever present, whatever we are doing in our day we are thinking. For example chatting to a friend, driving a car, reading a book, doing the washing up, we are always thinking of something. Keep all our thoughts positive. The onl time we are not thinking is when we are sleeping and even then the law of attraction is still operating in our last thoughts before we fall asleep. So keep that last thought, positive, good and energised and allow The law of attraction to work for us while we sleep.
Thinking is creating, and what you think about and focus on the most is what will appear in your life. Like all the laws of nature, there is utter perfection in this law. You create your life, you reap what you sow.
If you complain about something, you attract more of what your complaining about. If you listen and sympathise with someone complaining, you agree with them in that moment and as such you attract back like for like situations back into your life. So be very careful with your powerful thoughts. Remember you are very powerful by your thoughts and as such you can completely change every circumstance in your entire life by the way you think.
Never focus on the “I do not” always focus on the positive, that is “I want” focus on the positive. Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts and change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change.
What you think about, you bring about. Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head. This is a Universe of inclusion, not exclusion. God created the Universe and God created Man. All living things on this planet operate through the law of attraction. The difference for us Humans is that we have the intelligence and free will to actively choose our thoughts and therefore the power to intentionally think and create our life with our mind. Your mind is actually shaping the World around you.
Note : An affirmative thought, (a positive thought) is over one hundred times more powerful than a negative thought. Therefore realise the immediate advantage you have in your thought process, all your positive thoughts are so much more powerful than any negative thought. So from this moment forward, change your thought process and allow only positive thoughts to enter your mind, after all, it’s your choice and you have nothing to lose by doing this.
Also remember time serves you with your thoughts. If you have had some thoughts that will not be beneficial to you now and in the future, change your frequency and change your thoughts. Replace previous thoughts with new thoughts. All your thoughts will not come true at the same time, time serves you, it allows you to reassess to think about what you want and to make a new choice. You are the master of your own life, by making your own choices through your thoughts.
Quiet your thoughts through meditation. Meditation quiets the mind and helps you control your thoughts, and revitalise your body. Just ten minutes a day can be very powerful and help you gain control over your thoughts. Also set the intention by making a morning affirmation each day, “I am the Master of my own thoughts”. Say it often, meditate on it and as you hold that intention, by the law of attraction you must become that.
So in conclusion, decide what you want to be, do, become or have. Think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency and your vision will become reality. It will become your life.
Secret Summaries
The great Secret of life is the law of attraction.
The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think of a thought, you are attracting like thoughts to you.
Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source – YOU.
You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts.
Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about most, or focus on the most will appear in your life.
Your thoughts become things.
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