“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without” - The Emerald Tablet , - Circa 3,000 BC
Have you ever been drawn to something in life, that you find but leave go, and kind of dismiss as not worthy or irrelevant only to find that you return to the very same subject again and again. Well maybe there’s already something there in the Law of Attraction that has attracted me back to this subject once again. I’ll try and explain.
I’m going to take you back to around about December 2008. I had moved to live in Brisbane, Australia and things were going OK, but I could see trouble coming on the horizon for me. It had been two and a half years since I sold my hotel business and the money I gained from that sale was falling away fast. I knew something had to change or the money would be all gone. So I started investigating financial trading and in particular Forex. Forex is the name given to trading Currencies online, also known as FX Trading, where you trade one currency against another with an aim to make profit from the transaction. At that time I used to call into a book shop in Brisbane and look at books and I started reading books on Foreign Exchange, (FX trading). I decided to focus on this idea as if successful I could work alone, from home and anywhere in the world. However one day whilst at this bookshop in Brisbane, I noticed a display and a promotion about a new book called The Secret. This book was all about the Law of Attraction, and the Universe and how we could attract success, abundance and anything we wanted into our life’s. It was all about the Universe and how the Universe works to give back to you all you desire. I was interested because as I say at that time I was struggling to find a way forward with life and how to generate any kind of income or funds for the future. So I read a bit about this book, The Secret and decided to get a copy. I took it home and after a few days started reading it.
To be honest, my memory is struggling to recall what I thought about the book. It’s 16 years ago now, but I think it’s safe to say the book didn’t blow me away. I recall reading it and thinking there maybe something there in that, but No, it’s not for me and I need to focus on other things. I am sure that book is still there locked away with all my possessions in Australia. I remember little about the book back then however, one passage from the book stuck in my mind, and that was about a story of some guy and his family moving house and moving into a beautiful new home only to realise that he or she had once cut a photo out of a magazine of this dream house and kept it for years. To their shock and astonishment they then found themselves moving into that house years later. I found this story very nice, but I decided that was highly unlikely and not something to take too much notice of. The story can be found on Page 90 of the book, The Secret . Well anyway, I didn’t act on that book back in 2008, and decided it just wasn’t my thing. Maybe I was too worried at that time of making some money, as alarm bells were beginning to ring.
We move on to around about 2018, ten years later and by now life had really taken a downward turn. I was back living in Wales, my money was almost all gone, I was out of work and my forex trading had ended in 2016, having lost a lot of money. Life had really turned full circle from the great feeling I had back in 2005 when I sold my hotel business. Through my own stupidity and laziness, I had managed to blow away a fortune and lost it all on needless things, especially travel and my obsession with wanting to live in Australia. I call it my dream, but in truth I guess it became an obsession that took away most of my money. Even today I am paying a heavy price for that mistake with the storage costs I still pay. But who know’s those storage costs may well be my saving grace in terms of returning to my beloved Australia, the land of plenty, the land down under one day. I still love Australia and would move back there today if I could afford it.
So it’s 2018 and one day I suddenly start reading on my laptop about Angels and Angel Numbers. I think this was because I had been noticing a lot that I kept seeing certain numbers such as 3.33, 11.11, and mirror numbers like 1221 and so on cropping up all the time in my day. There was no specific number but lot’s of different numbers known as Angel Numbers kept appearing. So I read up on it all and started to pay attention to it. The more I looked into this the more I liked the idea. Being a Catholic, I knew of Angels and that we all have a Guardian Angel. I knew of the three Arch Angels, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. But I knew nothing of these so called Angel Numbers which apparently all have their own message or meaning. Reading these meanings, gave me hope and encouragement, and I felt sure something was going to happen to help my situation. However nothing ever did. These Angel numbers take you into Spirituality and the deeper meaning and presence of a higher source or being. I found it heavy to read and understand and above all I found it against my own beliefs. I don’t think our Catholic Church would approve of such things as Angel numbers, but there again how often has the Church dismissed even miracles that were seen or believed within our own faith and condemned them as a hoax. So whilst I respect the opinion of the Church on matters like this, it doesn’t mean I totally agree with them and will never allow myself to be lead like a sheep on anything, which is how the church and the powers that be here on Earth often want it. Anyway, back to the Angel numbers, So after a while nothing had happened and I decided again all this stuff was not for me and I shouldn’t waste my time with it all. I believe in Angels without any doubt, and I know we all have our own Guardian Angel. But that was it for me.
At that time I also concluded that God created the Universe, so for me everything that comes to us, comes from God. Almighty God our creator is the maker of all things visible and invisible and as such, I decided I didn’t need any of this Universe stuff, because I was already in prayer to Our God through his son our Lord Jesus. So for a second time I dismissed all of this.
Fast forward now to October 2024, and once again this book, The Secret has found it’s way back into my life. It happened one evening while searching through the Internet for something on Amazon and there was pop ups of this book for sale. So I read the sales page on Amazon and I must admit I liked what I read. So I decided to get a copy and read it again. Finally the message of The Secret has resonated with me and finally clicked.
I started reading the book and found I really didn’t want to put it down. As I read it, it was making total sense to me. I found it uplifting and inspiring. It was like if someone was opening my eyes and also my mind to what the book was about. I felt something within me kind of burning like a passion and a feeling of happiness and joy. And above all, I felt a message to me, which kind of said, “I am the Universe” meaning God clearly telling me He is the Universe. God sends everything to us through his Universe. Now I believe that combined with my Catholic faith, I have this clear belief and feeling that this for me is without doubt the way forward. My Catholic faith is unshakable and I know that God has drawn me back to this topic of the Universe. Maybe God was disappointed with me for being dismissive of this previously in years gone bye. Certainly the years from 2008 to present times have been a financial nightmare and struggle. Maybe God was showing me things and teaching me valuable lessons that I needed to learn. Well whatever the truth may be, I know for certain that I have finally woken up to this powerful Universe and that there can be no turning back anymore. I want to learn and study it day in day out and make it part of my daily life. I want to become a Super Attractor, and gain the knowledge of this powerful Universe.
And in addition, I feel that God – The Universe has already sent me signs to confirm my new found understanding of this. In mass recently the final hymn being played was a hymn called “How Great thou art” There’s a line in verse one which say’s “Thy Power throughout the Universe displayed” When I heard this, I really felt warm feelings and emotion shoot right through my mind. My eyes became teary. I took this as a true sign that I am finally on the right track. It’s a beautiful feeling. And just to add to this new found authority, on Sunday 24th November, we celebrated the feast of The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, commonly referred to as the Feast of Christ the King.
The Universe and Almighty God and Our Lord Jesus are inextricably linked together. (in a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate.) I know now that the Universal Law of Attraction truly exists and is calling to me. I have been lead back to this through Spiritual Guides be that through My Guardian Angel or Arch Angels, or through Mother Mary and Our Lord Jesus. It is time now to pursue this, and in fact, I was given this opportunity in 2008 in Brisbane. I rejected it then through ignorance. I will not do that now.
Finally, one last point and this is very relevant to my journey. I’m taking you back even further now, right back to 1972. There’s a famous Poem called Desiderata. It’s a beautiful Poem about life and our behaviour, attitude and feelings.
In 1972, this Poem was released as a Song by a guy called Les Crane. It reached #7 in the UK Charts. At that time, I was just 11-12 years old and was starting to listen and like music a lot. I remember hearing this song, and it was softly spoken by this man Les Crane to backing music. I remember the opening words, “Go Placidly” and the only other line I can remember from back then is the line that says, “You are a child of the Universe” I don’t remember any other words from the song, jus that opening line – Go Placidly and the one line that said “You are a child of the Universe” It actually says “You are a child of the universe, No less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here, And whether or not it is clear to you, No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should”.
I think that was the first day I was told about the Universe. Sadly it took me all these years, 52 years to finally realise, God wants us to be partakers in his Universe.. God want’s to give us everything we desire if it is for good intention. So let’s go for it and explore this whole subject and claim what is rightly ours, what God is offering to us every day. Wow, we really do have an Almighty God.
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